Why Self-Care is So Important
by Moyra Gorski, RN, BSN, Gorski Wellness
During these last 18 months, we’ve seen firsthand how important it is to take care of ourselves. Even when there are so many things out of our control, how we take care of ourselves is within our control.
Here are just a few reasons to pay attention to self-care:
- Better productivity: When we learn to say “no” to things that can overextend us, we learn to focus on what matters most.
- Improved resistance to disease and improved wellness: When we give our body proper nutrients and adequate rest, it has a chance to rejuvenate and in turn build a strong, healthy immune system.
- More to give: When you give more to yourself, you have more to give to others. We have all heard it so many times that it’s critical to put our oxygen mask on first before we can help those around us.
- Enhanced self-esteem: When you take care of yourself, you feel better and more energized resulting in a positive effect on how you see and value yourself.
Tips on self care:
Establish a morning routine. It may mean getting up a little earlier than usual, but it will be worth it.
My morning routine includes:
- Reading
- Meditation and prayer
- Journaling
- Movement /exercise
- Nourishment
Want to know more about how to create your own morning routine? Listen to my podcast on that subject.
You can also take this FREE health quiz—it will take less than five minutes and you’ll receive a response with some suggestions personalized for you.
Whatever you do, take good care.
A former nurse, Moyra is now a podcaster and wellness advocate who has represented the Shaklee Corporation for more than 21 years. In her work, Moyra shares hope and health and earning an income with a purpose. Reach out for a free wellness consult today.